Seeking to open access to higher education and knowledge, the University of the World advances rigorous systematic learning and research from the world. The locus of learning shifts from campus or the Internet to communities. A method of collaborative research is advanced through learner/scholar peer-review of local practice on how to do societal change. A new universe of learning is possible based in communities and connected around the world.

Explanation of Mission
Students will be front line users all over the world brought together in a learning community. The pedagogy of blended learning is utilized to integrate:  mentored learning in communities from faculty and student peers, interactive online learning, visits to site-based examples of best practice, and student-led practice that gives evidence of skill competencies. Through promoting a global learning community that is continuously learning, the university will have constantly improving ability to use what they have more effectively for community social and economic advancement and to protect their natural and cultural heritages.

In operations, through an evolving a pedagogy of constantly rising practice, the university will follow parallel systems of educational delivery, educational experimentation, and the gathering of knowledge. These parallel systems create feedback loops that constantly improve their respective processes for learning effectiveness, the accumulation of knowledge, fiscal management, faculty performance, and promoting innovation of the pedagogies being used.

In terms of function, the university is a non-governmental 501(c)3 corporation chartered in the State of West Virginia in the United States that carries forth three purposes worldwide. First, it provides higher education degree programs as well as specialized training. Second, it conducts research relating to how communities can promote equity between peoples and enhance an enduring planet. Third, it is a forum for partnerships, bringing together now scattered knowledge and action into a global learning community.