A high quality faculty body assures that rigorous learning occurs.  In addition to their traditional oversight and advisory role that is much-cherished by students who receive individualized direction, faculty at the University of the World have an equally crucial responsibility, that of facilitating the dynamics of Learning Cohorts and mentoring students, guiding them along the learning path as designed in their individualized Learning Plans.

Faculty are carefully recruited based on their deep knowledge on disciplinary subjects, but also trained to perform at the highest standards within the framework of the unique University of the World’s pedagogy.  To facilitate the transition from traditional academic institutions, faculty receive special training through a comprehensive faculty development program until they become comfortable with, and master the new approach. This implies an important change in their attitude towards “teaching”.  Traditional lecturing is not part of the toolkit. Professors’ time, both face-to-face and on-line, is not used for “transferring knowledge” that is already available to students somewhere else, following a fixed course syllabus, but ensuring a rich learning environment in Learning Cohorts, promoting reflection and clarification of complex topics,  moderating students’ discussions, and ensuring learner interactivity. They are also responsible in communicating high expectations in Learning Cohorts, and serve as “connectors” to different knowledge sources in their areas of expertise. All this is a radical departure from traditional professors’ roles.

The University of the World’s faculty include subject matter experts in the various disciplines related to the four degree foci, but also process experts and practitioners.  Process experts ensure that students strengthen their analytical and synthesis skills, critical thinking, and systems perspectives.    Learning to learn in a connected world is a major goal of the University’s pedagogy.  Practitioners, mostly working in the University’s demonstration sites, bring a wealth of real-world, hands-on experience to the various Learning Cohorts.  This mix of high quality scholars, action-oriented professors and practitioners (including students too) promotes innovation and creativity in pedagogy, and ensure the relevance and applied nature of the education.

The University of the World has a comprehensive faculty development program through a Faculty College, organized as a Learning Community, mirroring the students’ Learning Cohorts, and using similar approaches to their own continuous professional development. Professors receive special training on issues such as student-centered learning, mentoring, using open-educational-resources, teaching in technology–rich environments, working with culturally-diverse groups, and dealing with different learning styles.      The faculty community is diverse as its members are selected to ensure cultural and gender diversity as well as representation of the regions where the University concentrates its activities. The Faculty College also defines the main guidelines for a University’s research program that focuses on the assessment and improvement of the blended pedagogy. The College is a platform where faculty can engage in collaborative research and sponsor faculty-initiated experiments on curriculum, pedagogy, and other instructional ideas.